Intern Introduction: Jonathan Platt

Currently, I am a Junior at the Dwight School in New York City, and I am passionate about business and engineering. I am particularly fond of my physics and economics class, which have offered me an exciting academic challenge. Outside of school, I enjoy playing ice hockey on my travel team, the New York City Cyclones, and I am planning to be a member of the Dwight rugby team in the spring. Through Dwight’s alumni network, I decided to join Premier Chess as it is a unique opportunity to see first hand the ins and outs of running a successful business.

Not to mention, I enjoy playing chess. Although I am no grandmaster, I recognize the game’s ability to promote friendly competition and develop critical thinking skills. Chess’s strategy based approach interests me as it involves a combination of instinct and calculated decision making, which are skills present in my daily life, in hockey and in classes like physics. Therefore, this internship provides me the unique opportunity to not only become a better chess player, but develop the skills necessary to be successful in all aspects of life.

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