Farewell for the Summer

By Somaiya, Summer Youth Intern

Working for Premier Chess this summer taught me a lot about myself professionally and personally. As a photographer and filmmaker, I saw this job as the perfect opportunity to practice and improve my skill sets. My supervisor, Evan Rabin, made that vision possible by giving me meaningful work that equally challenged and intrigued me. 


After six weeks of working at Premier Chess, I have learned the following:

– how to pitch an idea 

– how to talk to strangers and handle rejection (when passing out flyers)

– how to network with industry professionals (build my LinkedIn)

– how to collaborate with my coworkers

– how to film and edit visual media for marketing purposes 


With all the skill sets I have garnered, I know I am ready to leap into whatever work awaits me next! 


For now, I would like to thank everyone I worked with for making this summer a great one for me 🙂

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