2023-2024 Grand Prix Standings after 7 Tournaments

After 7 tournaments of the 2023-2024 Grand Prix, here are the standings:

Name School T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 Two Sites SubTotal Multiplier Total
Eli Sidman Gateway 3 3 1 3 5 15 4 60
David Gray Grace Church School 2 1 1 5 9 5 45
Audrey Keller Spence 2 1 5 8 4 32
Xavier C Rodriguez Pearls 1 2 5 8 4 32
Gibson Ostow PS 40 2 2 1 5 10 3 30
Alina Podobedova MS 51 2 5 7 4 28
Riyaa Nandagopal 1 1 5 7 4 28
Rudy Abolafia PS 102 2 2 5 9 3 27
Samuel Mordi SA Bronx 4 3 3 5 11 2 22
Jackson Wang Loyola 5 5 4 20

Sign up for our next tournament on April 20 for your child’s chance to either maintain his standing or catch up to the leaders. At the end of the year, we are going to give out these prizes for 1st to 10th place:

1st:  $100 Amazon
2nd: $50 Amazon
3rd: $25 Amazon
4th: 1 Hour Private Lesson with Premier Chess CEO Evan Rabin
5th: 30- Minute Private Lesson with Premier Chess CEO Evan Rabin
6th: 25 Gift Certificate to Premier Chess Shop
7th: 25 Gift Certificate to Premier Chess Shop
8th: 25 Gift Certificate to Premier Chess Shop
9th: 25 Gift Certificate to Premier Chess Shop
10th: 25 Gift Certificate to Premier Chess Shop

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