Thinking Skills for Chess and Life

By ST Rappaport, Brain Coach at LifePix University 

ST Rappaport 🧠

Ever wondered what it takes to play a game of chess?

Well, you’ve got to come up with a plan. Think about how things might unfold. Visualize the moves. Consider the possibilities. Remember loads of information.

It’s a lot. And guess what? Each of these aspects connects to a thinking skill.

Thinking is not just one big deal; it is made up of 28 foundational thinking skills. Every part of chess requires different thinking skills.

Naturally, we are all better at some thinking skills and not so good at others. Those weaker skills can make things tricky.

For instance, if your brain is not a fan of making plans, playing chess might be a struggle. But it is not just chess; planning your day or tackling a big project might also be tough.

And if holding onto multiple bits of information at once isn’t your brain’s strong suit, managing all the chess pieces on the board can be a challenge. You might even forget your grocery list or what you wanted to say in a chat.

But here’s the good news – it doesn’t have to be that way. Thinking skills are, well, skills. That means you can learn them. Put in a bit of effort now, and soon it’ll be second nature.

When you actively work on these thinking skills, especially while playing chess, you’re not just enhancing your game. You’re also giving yourself an edge in daily life. Imagine if you’re consciously improving your planning skills during a chess match. It’s not just about winning the game; it’s about developing the ability to plan your day effectively or tackle those big projects with confidence.

As you navigate the intricacies of chess, you’re essentially giving your brain a workout in strategic thinking. The cool part is, this exercise doesn’t just stay on the chessboard. You’ll find that the more you fine-tune your thinking skills in the game, the more seamlessly they transfer to real-life situations. Whether it’s making decisions at work, organizing your schedule, or handling challenges, you’ll notice a positive change.

So, next time you’re engrossed in a game of chess, keep in mind that you’re not just playing a game; you’re honing essential thinking skills that have a ripple effect, making both chess and life a bit more manageable and a lot more enjoyable.

ST Rappaport helps ADHD entrepreneurs optimize their brain to run their business with more ease.

5 thoughts on “Thinking Skills for Chess and Life”

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