Impromptu Snow Day Camp Update

By Sophie Lee, Operations Intern

Old-Fashioned 'Snow Days' Still A Thing In Marblehead | Marblehead, MA PatchKids all along the East coast are rejoicing as a massive snowstorm hits, resulting in a snow day for many. However, snow days aren’t what they used to be as many parents already work from home and must continue to do so despite the inclement weather. Premier Chess CEO, National Master Evan Rabin, made the last-minute decision to offer an impromptu Snow Day Camp for students in PreK-8th grade and we ended up getting 30 registrations so far. Like our winter virtual classes, the camp is taking place over Zoom, making it accessible to students in a variety of locations. The camp offers students an opportunity to learn from coaches, play in tournaments, and socialize with other students. There was a large turnout for the morning session and the afternoon session starts shortly, at 1 pm, and will go until 4 pm.

Today our students a nice exercise break with our podcast guest Joshua Margolis, Founder of Mind Over Matter Fitness.

Stay posted to see which special guests may lead breaks this afternoon and tomorrow.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children can not just go play in the snow with friends like they normally would on a snow day, so the camp offers a way to keep students entertained and mentally stimulated while school isn’t in session. There is still time to sign up for the afternoon session today and second day tomorrow, sign-ups can be found here. We hope everyone is staying warm and safe, and hopefully, everyone can all play a game of chess while snowed in.

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