Many of you know, today is GivingTuesdayNow, introduced due to the emergency needs many non profits have given the Covid-19 situation. Here are four wonderful choices to consider donating to:
1) Chess in the Schools :
Chess in the Schools runs programs in 50+ title one schools in New York and conducts tournaments. During this wild time, their instructors are continuing to work full-time, conducting virtual classes and running daily tournaments.
2) Make a Difference Now :
Make a Difference Now, which we partner with every year to teach chess in Tanzania, definitely has its challenges during this time. All of the Tanzanian schools are closed so the students they support are back home in their villages. The organization has organized a Youth Covid-19 taskforce, where students are educating others in their villages about the disease. It’s director Theresa Grant is raising money for the villages to develop water taps.
3) The Philadelphia Chess Society
While the Spring Nationals are all canceled, the Philadelphia Chess Society, which empowers underrepresented youth though chess is teaching students virtually and already organizing tournaments later in the fall and in 2021.
4)Manhattan Jewish Experience
Since mid-September I have had the honor being an Manhattan Jewish Experience fellow, in which we learn for 3 hours every Wednesday night. While we are not meeting in person, Founder Rabbi Mark Wildes and team are doing a great time contiuining to inspire young Jewish professionals in their 20s and 30s, virtually, through the fellowship program, daily lunch and learns, evening lectures, 1-1 learning and much more.
I realize many people’s are budgets for the time being, but every dollar counts so please consider supporting these or any other non-profit of your choice today.