Virtual Winter Break Camp Update

By CEO National Master Evan Rabin 

Our 3-day first week of virtual camp flew by. Here are some numbers of camp so far: 

-76+ registrations 

-7 instructors

-8-1 student-teacher ratio

This past week we had a whopping 40 kids in the mornings, split into 5 groups, taught by National Expert Brian Wilmeth, Director of Virtual Programs, Phil Rosenberg, Director of School Programs, Candidate Master Danilo Cuellar, Rockland country Instructor, Abe Salemeh, Manhattan Instructor, and National Master Alan Kantor, Tennessee Instructor . In the afternoon, we had 24 kids in 3 groups, taught by Brian, Phil and Gary Ryan, Manhattan Instructor. In the West Coast Afternoon, we had 5 students, taught by Los Angeles Instructor John Machtig.

I sat in and taught some guest lessons each day and participated in tournaments. Check out a lesson I did about lose pieces yesterday here:

To keep students’ energy flowing, we make sure to do hourly stretch and exercise breaks. Thank you to our close education partner and two-time podcast guest Michael Deutsch, CEO of Hands on Hoops Skills for doing a ball skills demo on day 1.

Stay tuned for some special guests for exercise breaks next week. 

Here are our registration numbers for next week as of now: 

-Morning: 22 students, 3 classes 

-Afternoon: 14 students, 2 classes 

-West Coast Afternoon: 4 students, 1 class 

As always, we expect to get lots of last-minute sign-ups so expect to see at least one additional group per class. 

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