My Chess New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

By National Master Evan Rabin 

I am happy to report I achieved all of my three 2023 New Year’s Resolutions! For accountability sake, am sharing my three chess related New Year’s Resolutions for 2024:

1) Get US Chess Rating Back over 2200

While once a master, you are always a master, I am going to try to get my US Chess rating back over 2200. I am now 2089, 168 points lower than my peak rating of 2257.

2) Get FIDE Rating Back Over 2000

I want to get my FIDE rating back above 2000 and on the way to Candidate Master. I am now 1932, 132 points lower than my peak rating of 2065.


3) Have at Least One Team Finish in the Top 10 of Its’ Section at the Nationals 

While several of our school programs are starting to play more tournaments, I would like to see more participate in the State Championships and Nationals. In 2024, I’d like to see at least one team finish in the top 10 of it’s section at the Nationals.

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