Impromptu Virtual Snow Day Camp, Feburary 13, 2024

Impromptu Virtual Snow Day Camp

February 13, 2024 

9:00 AM- 4:00 PM EST 

Morning Session: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM EST

Afternoon Session: 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM EST

Camp Led by CEO and National Master Evan Rabin, who has 15 years of teaching experience and manages programs in 80+ schools all around the United States.

Camp will be open to all students in grades PreK-12th grade; we will cater to students from Beginner to Expert levels.

Camp will feature live lecturestournament style gamessocial opportunitiespuzzle competitions and more.

Players will be placed in groups of 8 students based on their age and chess experience.

This is tentative schedule for each session:

-1/2 hour: Social Play with Feedback

-1 hour: Live Lesson

-1 hour: Tournament Style Game

-1/2 hour: Group post-mortem game review

-We will take stretching and exercising breaks to keep students mentally prepared.


-Full Day: $89

-1/2 Day: $59

Questions: Reach out to Evan Rabin at or  (917) 776-1306

Register here.